Tuesday, April 3, 2012

The Titanic and Me

Hello, I want to tell you my story of the Titanic. I had my innocence taken from me at the age of 6. That was also about the time I discovered educational television. My parents were on the verge of divorce and I already learned the great escape that TV offered. I spent hours watching cartoons. In first grade I was molested on my schools playground. I was called a liar by everyone except my parents. Sadly they could not stop want unfolded at school over the following few years. After school I would come home and plant my butt on the couch and turn on the discovery or history channel (back when they were good). I would tune out my parents arguing and try to learn something. Every once in awhile some documentary would come on about the Titanic. I found it fascinating.  After about 2 years (my parents tried to keep me at the same school) I was expelled. Looking back I see that they tried everything they could, but at that point in their lives were unable to protect me. But they always loved me. At this new school things just got worse. The worse things got the more I looked to the history channel to escape my reality for some past reality. By now Titanic was everywhere with the opening of the movie in theaters. I watched everything I could about it. These poor people on the titanic had no idea of what laid in store for them. My mom took me to see the movie in theaters; I was too young to see it by myself. Watching this silly melodrama wrapped in some facts just made me fall in love with this ship. It also made me jealous. The people on board this unsinkable ship had no idea what was in store for them. They didn't even know when it was happening.  But everyday when I went to school I knew I would be hurt. I knew I would be bullied and assaulted.  I knew to much to ever go back. When it came on VHS I would watch it over and over, often with my little sweet sister Jenifer. This stupid movie gave me so much courage. I wanted  to be like Rose.  Something (Jack) was taken from her and she kept on living. I have watched this movie a thousand times, but every time it feels like a new movie.  Because every time I watch it I am going through some other challenge.  It reminds me that no matter the odds I can survive. I know all of you are thinking I am putting to much value on this movie. And you might be right. But tonight when I sit in the theater  and watch the opening scene where Rose looks up to the great Titanic and Jack wins his ticket in a card game I will be able to run away from myself for and hour. When the ship hits the iceberg I will be shaken and reminded of my current struggle. And when Rose hides herself on the rescue ship I will be reminded I can over come my problems. It is a silly movie that means so very much to me. At times it was my only friend.   

Saturday, July 30, 2011


So I totally suck at this blog thing. So since my last post everything has changed. We are in the process of getting guardianship of my husbands niece. Her name is Brianna. She is almost 6. Let me tell you, she is a handful. But I love that kid. She is stubborn and terribly hard on herself. So we are working on her self-confidence. On top of getting all the legality figured out. I can not wait to that damn piece of paper that says she is ours. We were going to adopt her. But we decided against it. She is her mothers child. Sadly her mother passed away when Brianna was 2. We have already had a month. A wonderfully difficult month. That is about all I have to say right now. So hello to my 4 followers. LOL (one of which is me)

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

MY DAD's poem

Hey out there, I havent posted anything in a little while. I havent know what to say. But today my practicing his email abilities(he sucks at all things computer) he sent this poem to me and put a smile on my face. Yes the poem is somewhat stero typical. Actually I think that is point is the point of the poem. But also to show some light on the regidiness to the modren Republican party. I hope you enjoy reading this as much as I did.

"REPUBLICANS" By Dave Jackson,

They're white and thier wealthy
They're phoney and crass
They're brainwashed by blowhards
Who talk out thier ass
They feel no compassion
For people in need
They wear like a fashion
The mantle of greed
Thump that Bible! Wave that flag!
Put down the niggers and the beaners and the hippies and the fags!
Foreign soil,blood for oil
Whore out the poor in the lust for more war
When the Lord comes to judge them
Charred ground where they fell
Thier gold will turn molten
As they plummet to hell
So oral with thier morals
The high ground they claim
Incorrigible hypocrites
With no sense of shame
They're trying to mindfuck you,man
It's Orwellian
Now there's trouble in the rubble
Cause the bubble has popped
They're the semen of demons
And they need to be stopped
Better boot up your brain
And thaw out your heart
If you're completely ashamed
Well at least that's a start
Or else...
The Lord is gonna judge you
Char the ground where you fell
And your gold's gonna turn molten
As you plummet to hell

Monday, January 17, 2011

Hello world, LOL. ( I am so clever) I am sitting here next to my baby watching the food network. (which means a perfect evening). last week was intense, and I wasn't sure how I felt about the world around me. So I didn't post anything. But I am back. Trying to see the world as a good place again. The shooting in Tucson AZ, was heart breaking and my heart goes out the families affected, to Tucson, and to all Americans.

Now I am not a fan of Sarah Palin, but I don't think she deserves all this negative slant. The cross hairs on her web site was a political ploy, not actual targets. It was probably wise to pull that image from her site after the shooting. The wisest thing was to probably never post it.

Another thing on my mind is going back to school. I am currently in school to become a medical assistant, I am not feeling prepared. My only tool to finishing this program is to keep showing up to class. LOL so far so good. LOL I also have a job interview this week. I sure hope I get this job. It will be my first "REAL" job in a few years. Working is an interesting feat being a military spouse. The service members career is the most important, so you have to be willing to pack up and move on at any time. That is why I want to get in the medical field, it is one of the few careers that can move with you. Though the job I am interviewing for in child care. Well that is all I have to say for the moment. I will see you again next week. Have a safe week.


Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Welcome to my first blog

Hello, I am Jessica. I have wanted to start a blog for a long time. Years in fact. I finally got the balls. I am happily married to Steven. We have been married a little over three years. He joined the Navy nine months after we got married. We also have a beautiful dog, Willie. He is like our baby. Well that is a little bit about me. I am sure as I continue to blog you will learn more.

In this blog I will discuss a little bit everything. Mostly my thoughts and opinions about the world around me. I know everyone comes from different backgrounds and have a different point of view. I would love for all of you to post comments and let me know what you think. I will also try to post a new blog every week. I am very excited this. Thank you for you time.